Call 1-800-GOT-PESTS?

You woke up with bite marks all over your arms.
They seem to be in a linear pattern.
You can’t stop scratching them and they’re getting HUGE.

 woman screaming

What do you do next?

A.) See your doctor and hope the cream that you’re prescribed works

B.) Go to the store and buy a bunch of garlic because you’re convinced it’s vampires

C.) Search bed bug exterminators Chicago on the internet and try to figurre it all out yourself

D.) Call Rose, who you know you can trust, and have them help you figure out if you have bed bugs professionally


You've got a pest problem. We've got your pest solution.

Whether you've got wasps, rodents, spiders (or you name it), we can assist with your pest situation. Drop us a line to tell us what's going on and we'll schedule your pest control service!

Get Rid of My Pest!

Safe For Your Family and Business

We're licensed, trained, and certified by the Departments of Public Health and Agriculture, using safe, EPA-regulated materials, always.

Attacking Infestations at the Root

We don't come in spraying. We evaluate the root of your problem, and recommend and enact pre-emptive measures before any chemicals are used. 

Assessments Before Any Contracts

 Our Customer Care Center walks you through every service, every charge, and every solution before you agree to anything. Our commitment is to you.