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Some geographic regions have them worse than others. They make summertime miserable outdoors. And there are more reports each day of the viruses they carry causing illnesses and death. The mosquito is something we should all be protecting ourselves against very proactively.

mosquito closeup

Years ago, it used to be camping trips in the woods or vacations at the lake where you had to be really careful to protect yourself against mosquitoes. These days, you can’t run out to your barbecue to flip the burgers without feeling like you’re getting eaten alive! And unfortunately, the pesky, itchy bump the bite leaves is more than irritating. It’s a health risk.

Extreme Heat

The drought this year has contributed to many pest issues. Rodents are making their way indoors. Insects are already seeking refuge in cracks and crevices in and around buildings. Diseases carried by mosquitoes are developing more quickly. Until a freeze happens later in the year, they’re here to stay.

Raising Awareness

When you think of all the different “common” bugs we encounter or have seen in our lifetimes, there are few that directly pose a risk to our health. They all have unique traits and characteristics that make them nuisances. The mosquito is one of the risky ones.

The more awareness that is raised about them, the better we can protect ourselves and our loved ones against awful diseases, like West Nile. And never forget that you can call your nearest Rose office and ask us any questions about the mosquito and also how to control mosquitoes.


Mosquito Facts

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  • Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk
  • They can feed on multiple hosts, including animals other than humans
  • Eggs are laid in water
  • Eggs hatch in 1 to 3 days
  • Adulthood is reached between 1 and 3 weeks
  • Females live up to 2 months when weather is favorable
  • In colder weather, females can live as long as 6 months
  • Male mosquitoes live up to 7 days
  • Adult femails require a blood meal to lay eggs
  • Male mosquitoes feed mostly on plant nectar

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Mosquito Life Cycle

Mosquito Larvae in pond

Mosquito larvae and egg clusters in pond

How to control mosquitoes

These prevention measures will protect your body as well as reduce the attraction of mosquitoes in your yard. They’re best practices in general, but also helpful preparation steps if you’re getting your yard treated by a professional pest control operator.

  • Avoid going outdoors when and where mosquitoes are most active: during dusk or dawn.
  • Use repellent on exposed skin whenever and wherever mosquitoes are likely to bite. Check product labels for information on age restrictions to make sure they are safe for your toddler or infant.
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long-legged pants, preferably treated with a repellent as well.
  • Remove standing water. Refresh bird baths daily, dump out or cover items that easily collect water such as buckets, flower pots, toys in the yard.
  • Trim excessive vegetation. Shaded areas and heavy foliage are open invitations to mosquitoes. Removing overgrowth will lower your risk of attraction.
  • Remove pet waste regularly. This will help mostly with flies, but will reduce the risk of bacterial diseases and transfer.
  • Remove children’s toys from the yard that could collect water. Getting in the habit of picking up the yard after use is good for more reasons than you know! You also don’t want any product overspray getting on your kids’ toys if you’re having a treatment completed by a professional.
  • Don’t let sprinklers run too long to where the grass is saturated. If you have an automatic system, shorten the run time to avoid pooling. Turn sprinklers off if you’re having a professional home mosquito control treatment done until the product is dry.

Help Spread the Word!

Mosquitoes are dangerous insects since they are known to transmit many potentially fatal diseases to both humans and mammals. Some of the most common and well-known diseases include West Nile Virus, malaria, dengue fever and equine encephalitis. In Africa, over 700,000 children die each year from malaria. Unfortunately, this creature is nothing to brush off. Protect yourself, your family and help your friends understand the dangers so that everyone can enjoy summer in the best way possible! We’re here to help, too!!


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