It’s that time of the year again. March 10-16th marks 2019 Termite Awareness week. Rose Pest Solutions and The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) are joining forces to spread termite awareness to the public. Read on for more information.Termites feed 24 hours a day, seven days a week on cellulose materials found in wood and paper products. We have found termites in window ledges, books and even in a long forgotten dresser drawer living off of denim jeans fibers. They are known as the “silent destroyers” for their ability to cause extensive damage to the structure of your home before you even notice.
Home Protection
It’s surprising that a pest that causes more than $5 billion in property damage every year is not covered by most homeowners’ insurance policies. In order to serve our communities and keep home and business owners protected, Rose Pest Solutions professionals conduct certified Wood Destroying Organism Reports (Termite Inspections). If it’s been longer than two years since you’ve had one, it might be a good time to reach out to us. Stop these pests before they eat you out of house and home.
Check out the infographic below for some more fascinating facts about termites around the world.
Where to Look Around your Home
Being aware of vulnerable termite zones around your house is just as important as being able to identify termites. In order to keep your home safe the National Pest Management Assocication NPMA, has designated the following as the top three zones commonly attracting termites to your home.
1. Storing firewood too close to property: Many homeowners keep firewood stacked against their home or on the stoop for easy access. This is appealing to termites and can draw them toward a home and provide a point of entry. Instead, store firewood at least 20 feet away form the house and five inches off the ground. Also, be careful of leaving stumps and dead trees in the yard. Rotting wood material can serve as termite fuel and eventually result in termites entertaining home.
2. Clogged gutters: Cleaning the gutters is a necessary part of termite prevention. Termites love moisture and clogged gutter can cause water to pool and make insulation vulnerable to these wood-destroying pests.
3. Mulch: Mulch is frequently used near the home and against the foundation and can serve as a source of food for termites. It also retains moisture, which attracts these destructive pests. Minimize the usage of wood mulch and keep it at least 15 inches from the foundation.
We Are Here to Help
Above is a swarmer termite. These termites are sent out in masses to locate a new home suitable for a colony to claim.
Photo: Ricky Kluge
Winged swarmer termites accumulating around your home are a sure sign that you may be housing a colony. If it has been over two years since your last termite inspection reach out to us at Rose to schedule one today.