Dirty or fouled drains can be the source of embarrassing and costly problems. When bad drain odors and small flies are noticed by customers, business suffers. With our Drain Sanitation Program, you can minimize the possibility of this happening to your facility.
Program Benefits
- Application of products containing beneficial bacteria minimizes odors cause by other bacteria.
- Reduces organic build up in drains eliminating breeding and feeding sites for many types of small flies.
- Combined with your pest management program eliminating these breeding and feeding sites can minimize small fly populations.
- Supplements your own sanitation program to give better results.
- Licensed Technicians will inspect and identify other small fly breeding areas.
In conjunction with your Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program, our technicians will provide an effective drain cleaning service and expertise that will protect your good reputation. In the spirit of a true business partnership, we will work together to prevent problems before they occur.