7 Pollinators That You Should Know
June 21st-27th is National Pollinator Health Awareness Week! Join us in celebration as we talk about some of our favorite pollinators. If you’re one of our subscribers it’s no surprise to you that Rose Pest Solutions is team pollinators! As professionals, our main focus is protecting the health of our community. Because of our insect knowledge we also know that there is an important role in our ecosystem for every living thing. One of the ways that we like to give back to the bug world is by planting pollinator gardens in our communities. By doing this, we give bugs that are considered “pesky” within our homes a natural habit that benefits us both.
Meet Our Local Pollinators!
What species come to mind when you think about pollinators? It’s pretty common to think of bumble bees and butterflies, but what about ants, mosquitos, and even humans? There are many pollinators that don’t get as much credit for the hard work that they put into making our planet a beautiful place. Let’s dive a little deeper into some other pollinators you should know.
Click on the species below for more information on the role they play as a pollinator
Bat | Moth | Beetle | Mosquito |
Hummingbird | Bee | Butterfly |
Want to Help Support Our Pollinators?
We’ll bee your local pollinator experts! Check out some of our amazing pollinator resources through our corporate partners for all ages. From native pollinator planting tips for gardening to the most adorable bug-themed crafts for kids, we are all about sharing our love and support for our pollinating friends with you. Teachers, Scout Troop Leaders, Libraries, Museums, Summer Camps, please use us as a local resource! We love working on special community projects!
Click HERE for more information about partnering with the Bug Girls!