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wasp control

Rose Pest Solutions warns that stinging insects pose serious threats as temperatures cool

As the crisp weather arrives and the summer season comes to an end, don’t assume that stinging insects will soon disappear. Rose Pest Solutions, a pest management company servicing Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana, Lafayette, Rockford, Southern Wisconsin and Kentucky warns that stinging insects tend to be more aggressive during the early fall as they gather food for the winter months ahead. Wasp nest removal and stinging insect prevention is very common this time of year. We have several service options to help keep you and your family or business protected from malicious stings this Fall.


Wasp vs. Bee

wasp vs. bee
Do you know the differences?


Here are some comparisons

  • Bees have chunky bodies while wasps have slender bodies
  • Bees are fuzzy and wasps are slick-looking and shiny
  • Bees are pollinators while wasps are predators and feed mostly on other insects
  • Bee nests are waxy and wasp nests are made of papery pulp fibers
  • Bees often die after stinging because their barbed stinger (attached to digestive system) gets pulled away from their bodies and left inside the human or animal they’ve stung
  • Bees and wasps can both inject venom when they sting
  • Bees are calm creatures while wasps are aggressive

Common Stinging Insects in Our Geographical Area

Bald Faced Hornet

hornet nest removal
Hornet Nest in Tree

bald faced hornet
The Bald Faced Hornet is very aggressive

inside of hornet nest
This is the inside of a bald faced hornet nest. See the larva?

Paper Wasp

paper wasp nest removal
Paper wasp nests look like honeycomb shaped paper mache structures

paper wasp extermination
Paper Wasp drinks from a water source

Yellow Jacket

yellow jacket nest removal
Yellow Jacket nest in attic

yellow jacket extermination
Yellow Jacket Wasps are capable of doing a lot of damage to homes


A Message from Rose’s Vice President

“Most people associate stinging insects with the hot summer months, but as the cooler weather approaches, people still need to be aware of the dangers posed by yellowjackets, bees and wasps,” said Larry Hanks, Vice President of Operations for Rose Pest Solutions. “If provoked, these pests can sting repeatedly, which increases the potential for skin irritation or a serious allergic reaction.”

Tips from NPMA

Experts at the National Pest Management Association, a nonprofit organization committed to the protection of public health, food and property from household pests, recommend that homeowners inspect their properties frequently for signs of an infestation. Common stinging insect nesting sites include under eaves, on ceiling beams in attics, garages and sheds, and under porches.

swing set with wasp nest

In addition, homeowners should follow these tips to avoid being stung:

  • Wear shoes, especially in grassy areas.
  • Keep windows and doors properly screened.
  • When dining outside, keep food covered until ready to eat.
  • Remove garbage frequently and keep trashcans covered.
  • Overseed grassy areas to get better coverage, as this will deter ground-nesting insects.
  • Do not swat at a stinging insect as it increases the likelihood of an aggressive reaction.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if stung, as reactions can be severe.

Don’t Put Yourself at Risk!

“Attempting to remove a nest or hive without the help of a professional can be extremely dangerous,” added Hanks. “It’s important to contact someone with proper training to rid the property of these pests.”

Cans of Raid will often not eliminate most stinging insect nest populations. Over-the-counter products are typically not strong or long-lasting enough to get the job done properly. You could end up aggravating the insects so much more and you could get hurt very badly in the process by these unpredictable creatures. With allergy and anaphylaxis threats, it’s just not worth taking matters into your own hands. That’s why we’re here for you!



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