They destroy millions of homes every year. Termites are known as the “silent destroyers” because a lot of times, homeowners have no clue these insects are eating away at their houses until significant damage has already been done.
How to kill termites the GREEN way
Termites are not like other insects that will occasionally invade your home or property. There’s not a can of bug spray you can pick up from your local hardware or home and garden store that will take care of them if you start seeing them. You could hold a spray can button down on a cluster of termites until you empty the whole can and that will not eliminate their presence on your property.
Termites are capable of developing massive, intelligent colonies beneath the soil. If you see some clusters of termites in your basement or in your flower bed while you’re doing some gardening, remember that cluster is a fraction of what population most likely is thriving beneath the surface. Termite presence is a much deeper pest issue compared to the few earwigs you might see in your laundry room or those tiny ants that pop up in your kitchen. The good news is, there are termite control options. Better yet, there’s a way to kill termites with a completely green option that has proven to be the champion termite colony eliminator of all options available to you. Check it out.
Green Without the Wimpy
We’ve all been there before. Green detergents that don’t actually get your clothes clean. Water-saving toilets that have to be flushed twice. Does the promise of green always come at the cost of compromise? Not always. A growing number of green products actually equal or outperform less earth-friendly options.
That’s the case with the Sentricon® System, which is welcome relief to homeowners in every state (but Alaska) where hungry termites see your home as their next meal. Yes, the Sentricon System is a green product that works. Really works. The proof is the 70 published articles and the 2 million structures it’s been selected to protect, including the White House and the Statue of Liberty.
The Sentricon System is the only pest control product ever to earn the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award, an award presented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Unlike alternate methods of termite control that require digging a trench around the home and pumping hundreds of gallons of liquid chemical termiticide into the soil, Sentricon uses only a small amount of active ingredient in the bait stations. In fact, the bait used in Sentricon also was the first product registered by the EPA as a Reduced Risk Pesticide.
Developed through extensive research to take advantage of termite behavior, Sentricon targets and eliminates the whole termite colony. In-ground Sentricon stations are placed in a protective ring around your home. Termites eat the bait placed in the stations and share it with the rest of the colony, eventually eliminating the entire colony, including the termite queen, who can produce millions of eggs during her lifetime.
Protect your investment
Termites are a serious problem, costing homeowners an estimated $5 billion per year.1 So it’s nice to know that with technologies like the Sentricon System, you don’t have to compromise between earth-friendly and effective.
Signs of termites
The following is a list of signs of termites to watch out for in your home or business. If you have any wonder and don’t feel comfortable assessing your home for wood destroying insect presence, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We have specially trained technicians who would be more than happy to come inspect your home for termites. They know what to look for and can give you solid peace of mind.
- Mud tubes
- Rotten, damaged wood around the property
- Flying termites or piles of wings
- Termite workers
Remember, if you’re noticing any of the above signs of termites, you more than likely have an established colony on your property. Call a professional to inspect and verify termite activity. Be sure to ask if they are certified Sentricon opertators! Green termite control works!
About Dow AgroSciences
The Dow AgroSciences Urban Pest Management business is a leader in providing innovative solutions for the structural pest management, postharvest commodity and turf and ornamental market segments. Learn more about the Sentricon System and its Certified Sentricon Specialists at 1National Pest Management Association
®Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow