Category: Rodents

Mice and Rat Solutions for the Winter Months

Mice and Rat Solutions It should be no surprise to you that America’s oldest, documented pest control company has the BEST mice and rat solutions. Commercial or residential, our pest experts have their own personal tricks on how they catch rodents and keep them out. As temperatures drop, mice begin to stir and seek indoor […]

Keys to Holiday Pest Proofing & a FREE Holiday Recipe!

Decking the halls for seasonal festivities? As you pull down boxes of ornaments from the attic or dig out bins of wrapping paper from the basement, be on the lookout for signs of mice, spiders, and other critters’ eggs. Holiday Pest-Proofing Cooler temperatures make pests like cockroaches, spiders, mice and rats look for warm, dry places for protection from the winter months. Attics […]

6 Signs of Mice and Rats

Have you been hearing some creatures stirring this holiday season? Got signs of mice or rats? Rodents like mice and rats are prevalent this time of year in these colder months. They’re looking for a warm, dry place just like us to cozy up for the winter. Read the graphic below to see if you […]

Keys to Holiday Pest Proofing

Decking the halls for seasonal festivities? As you pull down boxes of ornaments from the attic or dig out bins of wrapping paper from the basement, be on the look out for signs of mice, spiders, and other critters’ eggs. Holiday Pest Proofing Cooler temperatures make pests like cockroaches, spiders, mice and rats look for warm, dry places for protection […]