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Category: Cockroaches

Fall Pests: Occasional Invaders

What is an Occasional Invader? Occasional invaders are seasonal pests that tend to appear depending on the environment. Seeing one doesn’t necessarily mean you have a problem or an infestation. It just means that little critter ended up where he’s not supposed to be. From stink bugs to mice, these pests are most active in […]

Spring Cleaning: Allergies Caused by Roaches

I love spring, it’s one of my favorite times of the year…until I remember that I have allergies. Feeling like your eyes may never stop watering, while attempting to sniff-away the itch in your throat can quickly put a damper on the fresh outdoors. But what if your allergen problem is inside your home? And […]

Spring Cleaning Pest Tips

The birds are chirping like crazy, the trees are budding, and tulips and daffodils are popping up all over. All signs point to spring! As you prepare your house to open up to warmer weather, pay close attention to signs of pests. Rose Pest Solutions has tips to help you pest proof while spring cleaning.

Stay Healthy With These Tips on Cockroach Prevention

With February drawing to a close, warm weather is finally on the horizon! As much as we love the idea of finally being able to say hello to spring, this time of year also means the onset of allergies and asthma for those of you affected. You need to stay as healthy as possible so […]